more questions than answers

How is it that some days, weeks and months are red eyed, full of following the breadcrumbs and wishing that we were in a faraway place from where we really are?
Then all of a sudden, the chill blows in and what we may call luck miraculously occurs, it seems to all happen in threes. Flat tyres, bad waves and too much dreaming, then the tide turns and projects arise, drawings happen as a result of days of red eyes and the world, for a second seems to be mending.

As productive as those days are not, they do make us realise that being stagnant can only last as long as you let it. Today I was taught of the three P’s. Plan, progress and program. I have to admit plan and program seem in one the same, however there might just be nuance that I’m not yet picking up on.
Let the three P’s rule the rest of the week and see how productive and self motivating they proclaim to be.

The photo above is to remind those of us who are dreaming of faraway places, that when you arrive at those places, they are more spectacular than could ever have been imagined.



for your eye-balling.


Say helloha

Grace McKellar